Pay bills, manage accounts, transfer funds, and more. Enjoy secure, real-time access to your accounts. Contact a customer account representative for more information 618-426-3303.
To enroll in Online Banking:
- Go to our website at
- Click on enroll in the upper right hand corner of the homepage
- Enter your account type, account number, social security number, Telephone banking password (please call 618-426-3303 to receive yours if you do not use telephone banking), and email address
- Click enroll
- Choose a username and password then select continue
- Set up 3 challenge questions then continue
To enroll in Bill Pay:
- Go to our website at
- Log in using your online banking credentials
- Click on the Bill Payment Tab
- Click enroll
- Accept all terms and conditions
- Set up a merchant and schedule a bill payment before you will have access to the payment center